
My life started in you

My life started again in you

I now understand the excitement of a new life

A redemptive life that makes you want to be better

You will always feel like home

And I’m eternally grateful to have two now

A place I always felt safe and loved

A place our boy can be his best self

You raised me saturated in unconditional love

And like an encore, that love is on display again

I stand in awe of the mother you’ve been

And am amazed at the calibre of mother you are

I realize more and more how fortunate I’ve been

I will constantly remind him how lucky he is

I’m thankful and recognize that I couldn’t have done this without you

I’m so grateful and confess that I can’t do this without you.

This piece echos love and appreciation of my mom and the mom of my beautiful boy, my wife Irmina. The first line is for my mom, the second for my wife and that pattern is repeated throughout. Give it another read with that context :)


Choose Wisely

